From Luxury to Slaughter: The Tragic Consequences of Greed

May 7, 2023

I. Introduction

Explanation of James 5:6 and its significance in highlighting the injustice and violence of the wealthy oppressors against the innocent.

II. Condemnation of the Innocent

Discussion of how the wealthy oppressors have used their power to condemn and harm those who have done nothing wrong.

Explanation of how the condemnation may have taken the form of unjust accusations or legal proceedings, while the murder may have been literal or metaphorical.

III. Vulnerability of the Innocent

Emphasis on the fact that the innocent ones were not a threat to the wealthy/powerful oppressors but rather vulnerable members of society who were in need of assistance and protection.

IV. Exhortation to Patience

Discussion of James 5:7 and its exhortation to believers to be patient until the coming of the Lord.

Explanation of how the phrase "the coming of the Lord" likely refers to Christ's second coming, which believers throughout the ages have looked forward to with hope and anticipation.

Comparison of believers to farmers who patiently wait for the precious produce of the soil.

V. Importance of the Rains in Agriculture

Explanation of the two rains mentioned in James 5:7 - the rain of seed time and the rain of ripening before harvest.

Discussion of how the first rain fell in Judea about the beginning of November, after the seed was sown, while the second rain fell towards the end of April, when the ears were filling, and this prepared for a full harvest.

Importance of these two rains for a fruitful harvest.

VI. Significance of Ears Filling in Agriculture

Explanation of how "ears filling" is a critical stage in the growth of cereal crops because it ultimately determines the yield and quality of the crop.

Discussion of how factors such as temperature, moisture, and soil fertility can all influence the rate and extent to which the ears fill, and farmers must carefully manage these factors to ensure a successful harvest.

VII. Waiting for the Rains and the Lord's Return

Emphasis on the importance of patiently waiting for the early and late rains, which are necessary for the crops to grow and produce a fruitful harvest.

Comparison of waiting for the rains to waiting for the Lord's return and how this waiting may be difficult and challenging, just as waiting for the rains can be frustrating for a farmer.

Explanation of how believers need to trust that the Lord will come at the right time and in the right way, just as the farmer trusts that the rains will come at the right time and in the right amount.

VIII. Conclusion

Recap of the importance of being patient and trusting in God's timing, both in agriculture and in the Christian life.